Success Story: CasaInnov's Mobile App Optimization with React Native

Discover how CasaInnov transformed Real estate agency mobile app experience using React Native optimization techniques. Learn about the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the remarkable results achieved in enhancing user satisfaction and performance.

10/2/20243 min read

Introduction: Property Finder competitor and Casainnov

In the competitive real estate market of Saudi Arabia, user experience and app performance are critical. Recently, CasaInnov, a leading tech matching company, partnered with a property listing platform—a competitor to Property Finder—to optimize their mobile app using React Native. The app had performance issues that led to poor user reviews and a stagnant user base. With a rating of 3.2 in the App Store and Google Play, they needed a comprehensive solution to improve performance, user engagement, and scalability. Here's how CasaInnov helped them achieve remarkable results.

The Challenge:

The client’s mobile app faced several challenges:

  • Slow User Experience: Long load times and delayed interactions frustrated users.

  • Inefficient Data Management: API calls overfetched data, causing slow performance.

  • Poor State Management: The absence of effective state management led to frequent crashes.

  • Large Image Files: High-resolution property images slowed down browsing, especially in low-bandwidth areas.

CasaInnov’s Optimized Solutions:

CasaInnov developed a strategic solution focused on improving app architecture, data handling, and performance. By partnering with a mobile-first tech company with over 15 years of experience, we addressed each of the client’s pain points.

1. Architectural Overhaul

We restructured the app’s architecture, moving from a monolithic to a modular system. This created better scalability, faster performance, and easier maintenance, reducing app deployment time significantly.

2. State Management with Redux Saga

Introducing Redux Saga improved asynchronous data handling, reducing memory bloat and enabling smoother navigation through the app. This change allowed the app to handle data-heavy tasks without crashing, increasing stability and performance.

3. FlatList for Virtualized Rendering

Given the volume of property listings, efficient data rendering was essential. We replaced outdated list components with FlatList, which optimized how large datasets were loaded. This reduced memory consumption and dramatically improved scrolling performance, making the app faster even with extensive data.

4. Smooth Animations for User Experience

We implemented fluid animations using Reanimated and Gesture Handler to create seamless transitions between screens and interactive elements. This made the app feel more responsive and engaging, boosting user satisfaction.

5. Switch to GraphQL for Efficient Data Fetching

Replacing traditional REST APIs with GraphQL helped minimize data overfetching by allowing the app to retrieve only the necessary data. This optimization made page loads faster, especially in low-network areas, improving the overall browsing experience.

6. Image Optimization Service

We built an image optimization service that dynamically compressed and resized property images for different devices, reducing load times without sacrificing quality. This was especially helpful in regions with limited internet speed, resulting in a smoother user experience.

The Results:

The results were nothing short of transformative:

  • App Rating Improvement: The app’s rating improved from 3.2 to 4.4 stars in both the App Store and Google Play.

  • User Growth: Within 90 days of deployment, the app gained over 100,000 new users.

  • Increased Engagement: User retention improved by 25%, and session durations increased by 40% as users enjoyed a more responsive app.

  • Faster Load Times: On average, page load times were reduced by 40%, creating a faster browsing experience for users.

  • Crash Rate Reduction: Implementing Redux Saga reduced the crash rate by 50%, ensuring a more reliable app.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How did CasaInnov improve app performance for a property listing platform in KSA?
A: CasaInnov restructured the app’s architecture, introduced Redux Saga for better state management, optimized data rendering using FlatList, implemented smooth animations, switched to GraphQL for faster API requests, and optimized image sizes to improve load times.

Q: What was the impact of CasaInnov’s React Native optimization?
A: The app’s performance improved dramatically, with a rating increase from 3.2 to 4.4 stars, the acquisition of 100,000 new users in 90 days, faster load times, and reduced crash rates.

Q: Why did CasaInnov switch the app from REST API to GraphQL?
A: CasaInnov switched to GraphQL to minimize data overfetching and increase the speed of API requests, resulting in faster page loads and improved overall app performance.

Q: How did CasaInnov optimize image loading for the property listing app?
A: CasaInnov implemented a dynamic image optimization service that compressed and resized property images based on device resolution, improving load times without sacrificing image quality.

At CasaInnov, we’re experts in mobile app optimization. Whether you need help with React Native development, architectural improvements, or performance optimization, we have the experience and expertise to deliver measurable results. If you're looking to boost your app's performance, reach out to CasaInnov today and see how we can help you achieve similar success!

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if you need to create an app or integrate AI into a react native app, visit our Mobile app page here.